It is recommended that every school should appoint a link governor for careers. This is a strategic role to promote employer engagement and take an active interest in Careers Information Advice and Guidance (CIAG).
Careers Link Governors play a key role in ensuring their school or college complies with its statutory responsibilities, including the appointment of a capable Careers Leader who has the explicit backing of the Senior Leadership Team.
As a Link Governor you can help your school not only meet its statutory responsibilities but ensure that every young person in your school and college has an outstanding careers education by:
- Understanding what good careers education looks like
- Offering strategic support to your team
- Holding SLT to account for the quality of provision of careers in your institution
- Helping your colleagues on the Governing Body understand your careers programme and the impact it is having on the students learning and their ability to make informed career choices.
- Feeding back to your Governing Body, progress that has been made and any challenges yet to be overcome
You can help your Careers Leader to monitor and review their progress towards meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks and embedding good practice across the curriculum.
It is considered good practice for you as the Link Governor, your Careers Leader, Enterprise co-ordinator and Enterprise Advisor to meet regularly to develop a co-ordinated approach to delivering a high-quality careers programme across the whole school.
As a Careers Link Governor, you may wish to better understand the value of careers leadership in schools, special schools and colleges, the careers education landscape and understand the role and value of a Careers Leader by completing this short online training module.