Our skilled team work with Careers Leaders in schools and colleges across Cumbria. We offer practical assistance and resources to help schools and colleges develop effective careers programmes. In addition we will deliver the Careers Hub Strategic Plan.
Our key strategic priorities for 2023-24 to ensure the Careers Hub achieves maximum impact are:
- Priority 1: Improve careers provision in schools and colleges against the Gatsby Benchmarks through support, training for the education workforce and quality assurance
- Priority 2: Provide more high-quality experiences with employers for students and teachers – with a focus on current ‘cold spots’
- Priority 3: Amplify apprenticeships, technical and vocational routes – including supporting the implementation of the Provider Access Legislation (PAL)
- Priority 4: Target interventions for economically disadvantaged young people (Free School Meals (FSM)) and those who face barriers
- Priority 5: Connect careers provision in schools and colleges to the needs of local economies (as articulated through Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs)
We will link a school or college to an Enterprise Adviser, a local business volunteer, who can help to bridge the gap between education and the world of work and other support agencies or networks who will add value to a careers education programme.
Say hello to the team!

Cath Dutton – Strategic Careers Lead
Cath joined the Careers Hub on the 1st March in 2021 as the Careers Hub Manager. Cath leads on the delivery of the Careers Strategic Plan for Cumbria alongside supporting the colleges in Cumbria to deliver their careers programme.

Jo Tate – Operational Hub Lead
Jo is our Operational Hub Lead, supporting 14 secondary schools and our 4 FE colleges in Cumbria alongside delivering some of the Countywide projects that will improve careers education in Cumbria. She has been teaching (in Secondary and FE) for over 25 years: in the Midlands for 10, and the last 15 in Carlisle.

Mandy Morland - Careers and Enterprise Coordinator
Born in Cumbria, Mandy can't imagine living and working anywhere else! Mandy has over 20 years experience working directly with young people of all abilities in educational settings in the capacity of careers and enterprise roles having achieved the Level 6 Career Guidance and Development Diploma.

Deborah Addison - Careers and Enterprise Coordinator
Deborah works with our schools in West Cumbria, and manages the Cumbria Talent Force Project. Coming from a background in Secondary and Further Education, she enjoys supporting young people in education and training, and is passionate about inclusivity in education and the workplace. She has also formerly worked in School Engagement, helping students throughout the county to learn about apprenticeships and training opportunities in Cumbria.
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