
Maximising the effectiveness of LMI in practice

22nd Sep 2022
( 12.30pm )

The up-dated guidance from the UK government relating to the provision of career guidance in schools and colleges in England re-states the critical role of high quality careers support for young people’s futures.

High quality career guidance is informed by high quality labour market information (LMI) (Bimrose, 2020), but in England, the LMI landscape is complex and can be confusing. New research supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and undertaken Dr Sally-Anne Barnes and Professor Jenny Bimrose has investigated the range of sources for the supply of labour market information (LMI) and intelligence in England.

The webinar will map out the LMI system in England focusing on the range of organisations at national, regional and local level playing different roles in supplying, interpreting and/or disseminating data and information on the economy and labour market. With over 100 sources reviewed for the research, the webinar will suggest ways to choose between sources.

Attendance is free for members of the CDI.

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