Cumbria Careers Day a huge success as employers offer workplace insights

Around 100 employers, large and small, from across Cumbria engaged in Cumbria Careers Day on March 6th, as part of National Careers Week which took place between 4-9 March.
The day, co-ordinated by CLEP’s Careers Hub team, was designed to help bridge the gap in awareness between young people and businesses in Cumbria, to help ensure that a buzz is generated around the excellent career opportunities available and to ensure young people see that there are a range of options for them on their doorstep within the county.
A social media campaign, video case studies, work experience and careers information days were on offer across Cumbria and businesses have provided positive feedback about the benefits to their medium-term recruitment strategies.
Many firms struggle to recruit at present due to a relatively small working age population which exists within the county. Cumbria LEP is keen to ensure we retain our young talent as well as encourage more people to move to the area to take up new job opportunities.
Plans are already afoot for Cumbria Careers Day 2025 as we seek to build on this excellent series of events.