
Getting the most from Compass+ and using the Future Skills Questionnaire (PM)

This session is aimed at Compass+ users and will support you in getting the most from the software.

Following on from the excellent session delivered by Allison (Walney School) last academic year the careers and Enterprise Company are undertaking a roadshow across the Country to help Compass+ Users get the best from the software.

The objectives for this session are:

To use Compass + for more than your Compass return, by developing your careers programme and stakeholder database on the system …and much more

To understand how to access ad send out the future skills questionnaire to gather feedback from Year s7,9,11 and 13.

This workshop is just 2.5 hours long and you have an option of attending in the morning or the afternoon.



Getting the most from Compass+ and using the Future Skills Questionnaire (AM)

This session is aimed at Compass+ users and will support you in getting the most from the software.

Following on from the excellent session delivered by Allison (Walney School) last academic year the careers and Enterprise Company are undertaking a roadshow across the Country to help Compass+ Users get the best from the software.

The objectives for this session are:

  • To use Compass + for more than your Compass return, by developing your careers programme and stakeholder database on the system …and much more;
  • To understand how to access ad send out the future skills questionnaire to gather feedback from Year s7,9,11 and 13.

This workshop is just 2.5 hours long and you have an option of attending in the morning or the afternoon.


Drop in Session – Compass+ and FSQ following on from CEC training

An opportunity to discuss practical/operational issues, following the recent CEC training.

About this event

The objectives for this session are:

• To get the most out of using Compass + and FSQ and discuss practical/ operational issues and share good practice.


Development Brew – Working with Stakeholders to benefit your careers programme

Hear from Cumbria Careers Hub and a stakeholder on how to maximise the work you do with partners

About this event

The objectives for this session are:

  • Understanding who your stakeholders are;
  • Maximising and sustaining the relationship you have with your stakeholders to add value to your careers programme;
  • Share ways to gather feedback and evidence to demonstrate the impact that your stakeholders are having;


Development Brew – Careers & Legislation update

Hear the latest update from Cumbria Careers Hub and the CEC on the Provider Access Legislation

About this event

The objectives for this session are:

• To share and discuss the new updates regarding the Provider Access Legislation (PAL).

• To discuss the practical and operational implications for schools and colleges going forward.



Becoming a qualified electrician : Myth vs reality

The electrical industry is leading the way in low carbon revolution. The design and installation of smart homes and buildings, and the growth in solar panels and electric vehicles means there are exciting career options for those who want to be part of the green agenda. However the electrical training landscape is changing and it’s important to be fully aware of the career options for both school/college leavers and career changers.

This year a new apprenticeship option – Domestic Electrician – will launch, joining the existing Installation Electrician apprenticeship.

People are being easily misled into courses that do not lead to qualified status, or are recognised by employers. In this webinar The Electrotechnical Skills Partnership (TESP) will outline the myths and misconceptions about training to be an electrician, the two apprentice routes and the correct ways to becoming fully qualified. There will be ample time for any Q&A at the end of the session.

Book now

Attendance is free for members of the CDI.


Developing the talent pipeline for the career development sector

Caroline Green and Claire Johnson will be hosting this webinar meeting to discuss how we as a sector make it a fulfilling place to be, for another 100 years and beyond.

We’ll be talking about how we shout about what we do, gain the recognition we deserve and encourage a pipeline of talent to make the sector robust and diverse.

There will be an opportunity to discuss all of this, alongside topics of career progression pathways, the impact of qualifications, transferable skills development and how we shape our sector for years to come.

Book now

Attendance is free for members of the CDI.


British Science Week

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths that will place between 10-19 March 2023!


International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Full and equal access and participation for women and girls in science

Science and gender equality are both vital for the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Over the past decades, the global community has made a lot of effort in inspiring and engaging women and girls in science. Yet women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully in science.

In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, the United Nations General Assembly declared 11 February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in 2015.


International Volunteers Day

A great opportunity to raise the benefits of volunteering, often as a first step into moving into
employment. Visit a local charity, invite them to come into your school, get students to run a charity event.


Global Entrepreneurship Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week is the world’s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare.  Discuss opportunities in  lessons on this topic and encourage pupils to begin thinking of brilliant and wonderful innovative ideas.


Tomorrow’s Engineers Week

The tenth Tomorrow’s Engineers Week (#TEWeek22) will take place on 7 to 11 November 2022!

Sign up to the mailing list now to find out what they’ve got planned.



‘Educating the Educators’ 2022 – Health & Social Care

Careers in Health and Social Care – Training for teachers, careers leads and job coaches

Royal Station Hotel, Newcastle upon Tyne

Thursday 20th October 2022

9.30am – 3.30pm

Our ‘Educating the Educators’ training event is aimed at teachers, careers advisers and anyone else who offers careers information in the North East and north Cumbria.

A range of talks and workshops will provide delegates with current guidance on:

  • The range of NHS careers available, including new roles
  • Pathways into NHS careers – via apprenticeship, university, and entry level positions
  • The NHS jobs application process
  • Resources available to teachers and careers advisers
  • The NHS workforce of the future

This free event is hosted by Health Education England. Delegates will receive a certificate of attendance following the event.

Places are limited, so please consider sending a delegate from your team or organisation who can cascade information on return. To reserve your place please register here.


National Mentoring Day

It’s time to celebrate them! National Mentoring Day was created to highlight the importance of mentoring in all forms.  The aim is to focus on how rewarding mentoring can be for everyone involved.


World Space Week

World Space Week is the largest annual space event in the world. the weeks helps build up the workforce of tomorrow by inspiring students; demonstrates visible public support for the space programme; educates the public about space activities; and fosters international cooperation in space outreach and education.


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