Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information

Every student, and their parents (where appropriate), should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make the best use of available information.

  • By the age of 14, all pupils should have accessed and used information about career paths and the labour market to inform their own decisions on study options.
  • During their study programme all students should access and use information about career paths and the labour market to inform their own decisions about study options.
  • Parents should be encouraged to access and use information about labour markets and future study options to inform their support to their children.

Resources to help achieve this benchmark:

ResourceDescriptionLinks & Downloads
1CEC Resource Directory CEC Resource Directory
2Our Future, Cumbria's Labour Market January 2022This booklet can be used as a reource in schools and colleges, added to school and college websites for students and parents to view.Download
3Cumbria LMI Teaching Resources developed by Cumbria Careers Hub 2022Year 7 Teaching resources to help you deliver LMI in short 10 minute sessions.Download
4Cumbria LMI Teaching Resources developed by Cumbria Careers Hub 2022Year 8 Teaching resources to help you deliver LMI in short 10 minute sessions.Download
5Cumbria LMI Teaching Resources developed by Cumbria Careers Hub 2022Year 9 Teaching resources to help you deliver LMI in short 10 minute sessions.Download
6Cumbria LMI Teaching Resources developed by Cumbria Careers Hub 2022Year 10 Teaching resources to help you deliver LMI in short 10 minute sessions.Download
7Cumbria LMI Teaching Resources developed by Cumbria Careers Hub 2022Year 11 Teaching resources to help you deliver LMI in short 10 minute sessions.Download
8Cumbria LMI Teaching Resources developed by Cumbria Careers Hub 2022Year 12 Teaching resources to help you deliver LMI in short 10 minute sessions.Download
9Cumbria LMI Teaching Resources developed by Cumbria Careers Hub 2022Year 13 Teaching resources to help you deliver LMI in short 10 minute sessions.Download Files 1 - 4
10Cumbria LMI Advanced Manufacturing Infographic A4 poster for display in subject area classrooms, corridors and career areasDownload
11Cumbria LMI Construction Infographic A4 poster for display in subject area classrooms, corridors and career areasDownload
12Cumbria LMI Health Infographic A4 poster for display in subject area classrooms, corridors and career areasDownload
13Cumbria LMI Nuclear and Clean Energy Infographic A4 poster for display in subject area classrooms, corridors and career areasDownload
14Cumbria LMI Professional Services Infographic A4 poster for display in subject area classrooms, corridors and career areasDownload
15Cumbria LMI Rural and Agriculture Infographic A4 poster for display in subject area classrooms, corridors and career areasDownload
16Cumbria LMI Tourism and Visitor Economy Infographic A4 poster for display in subject area classrooms, corridors and career areasDownload
17Cumbria LMI Transport and Logistics Infographic A4 poster for display in subject area classrooms, corridors and career areasDownload
18Cumbria LMI Infographic A3 poster for display in corridors and career areasDownload
19101 Amazing Apprenticeship Activities for Schools GuideSplit into unique sections for ideas to use with your students, teachers & parents, the guide contains 101 engaging and informative apprenticeship activities to help all stakeholders understand the incredible opportunities, benefits and complexities of apprenticeships.

The guide can be used in conjunction with the Apprenticeship Benchmark Tool, which helps schools to evaluate their apprenticeships IAG and refers to the 101 Guide for activity ideas to boost different areas of their IAG.
Download (
20BBC Bitesize - CareersThis well-known resource can be used to help contextualise the world of work alongside curriculum study – and support young people in making informed decisions.Careers - BBC Bitesize
21CareerEarCareerEar is an online careers advice and exploration platform and the first of its kind to combine direct and personal advice, with relevant labour market data, in order to help people make the most informed decisions.Career Ear
22LMI for all CareerometerCareerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers.Careerometer – LMI For All
23My Skills My Future (D & I)This programme has been collated from resources across our partners and network to support young people with SEND under the 2 groups identified in the SEND toolkit. It contains lessons around employability skill development, employer projects and engagement videos all to support young people in their next steps.My Skills My Future | CEC Resource Directory
24Speakers for SchoolsSpeakers for School connect young people with inspirational, eye opening virtual work experience opportunities with some of the largest employers both locally and nationally.Speakers for Schools | CEC Resource Directory
25ScreensaversCumbria Career Hub Screensavers for National Careers Week in educational settings.Download PDF or Download JPEG
26Our Future Career Opportunities in Cumbria A presentation introducing LMI in Cumbria. Download
27LMI SourcesUseful sources of labour market Information provided by Cumbria Careers Hub.Download
28Career planning - Health careersMany people need help to manage their career at some point in their life. In this section you'll find advice and tips on how you can help yourself in your career progression or supporting others take the next step. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re still at school and thinking about your options, or already working in health.Download
29Being an Apprentice ScaffolderWatch KAEFER apprentice Shannon explain what is involved in being a Scaffolder, and how the qualifications gained will assist in her future career development.Watch Video
30Building Cumbria's TalentAbbey Metcalfe: Operating Department Practitioner Apprentice, NHSWatch Video
31Building Cumbria's TalentEthan Smith: IT Apprenticeship, Furness CollegeWatch Video
32Building Cumbria's TalentEuan Gilfillan: Engineering Degree Apprentice, BAE SystemsWatch Video
33Building Cumbria's TalentJax Hartley: Wind Turbine Technician Apprentice, Orsted UKWatch Video
34Building Cumbria's TalentKaylee McIsaac: Plant Maintenance Electrician Submarine Sector, BAE SystemsWatch Video
35Building Cumbria's TalentSommer Steeley: Operating Department Practitioner Apprentice, NHSWatch Video
36Building Cumbria's TalentNeil Francin Sarmiento: Project & Contract Management Apprentice, Orsted UKWatch Video
37Building Cumbria's TalentRebekah Thompson: Business Admin Apprentice, Siemens EnergyWatch Video

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